Green Lantern The Animated Series Wiki
Welcome to the Green Lantern: The Animated Series Wiki Community Forum.

This forum is for community discussion, discussion for major improvements, a place to get help from, or to help, other members of this wiki's community. Open to all members of the community, feel free to propose and discuss. To add a new topic, please type the title in the box below and click "Add new topic".

Note: You should sign your contributions, as on a talk page. You may have to purge this page to see changes
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This page serves as the hub for forum categories as well as displaying the recent stickied threads for quick important announcement/discussion/consensus. The forum categories are the following:

  • Support requests: a forum where you may seek help from Green Lantern The Animated Series Wiki community for technical issues from problems accessing the wiki to template errors and concerns regarding the MediaWiki software.
  • General discussion: a forum where you can interact with members of the community on almost anything. *in so far that it is related to Green Lantern: The Animated Series and DC Comics and the community
  • Community proposal: a forum which allows community members to propose new guidelines, Changes that will affect part of the wiki or the whole wiki, or anything else that the whole community needs input on. It is your responsibility to check that your proposal has not previously failed to pass. If this is the case, it will be closed unless there are entirely new insights or arguments in favor.

General forums

Forum categories
ForumsLast editLast author
Support requestsNever
General discussion00:41, 8 May 2020Violinspiration
Community proposal17:09, 27 January 2013Godblaster
Stickied threads
ForumsLast editLast author
Breaking up histories09:35, 22 January 2013Godblaster